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Age : 22

Height : 5'5" / 165cm

Gender : Genderqueer (He/they)

Orientation : Homosexual - Homoromantic

Mask : Rabbit

Ability : Weapon Manifest​

Voice : â˜¾ ☾ â˜¾


Taro is the holder of the rabbit mask.  He received the rabbit mask alongside Alexsei when he was given the dragon mask as the family heirloom a few days before the prince's coronation.  Taro was accepted as a vessel by the rabbit due to it sensing his turmoil after Alexsei was possessed by the dragon.

Taro is shy and would much rather spend his time with his nose in a book.  Peaceful pastimes were robbed from him when he followed Alexsei out of the kingdom when his fiancé was exiled.  He misses his lost life dearly and wishes for things to return to normal, but acknowledges that his wish is unrealistic and likely impossible.


Taro is granted the ability to manifest weapons out of water vapor that's in the air.  The easiest weapon for him to create, as it was the rabbit's go-to, is a war hammer that looks like a kine mallet.  The rabbit's tail he gained continuously creates vapor so even in extremely arid climates, he can still conjure a weapon.  During the nighttime, he becomes more physically powerful and agile.



Alexsei Nikolaev​


Throughout their childhood, Taro watched his crush from afar and wouldn't confess until they were almost adults.  Taro being blessed as a council member's son, granted him easy access to the prince, thus they spent almost every day with each other as they grew up.  For the longest time, Taro was afraid Alexsei didn't feel the same for him and he worried about how he would have an heir if he did.  When they were 18, Alexsei proposed to Taro, who said yes without a doubt.

The rift that had formed between Alexsei and Taro after the incident leading to their exile and defection pains Taro to great lengths.  He dearly wishes for Alexsei to return to normal.  Even though the new demeanor frightens and saddens him, Taro will do anything for his fiancé at the drop of a hat and without question.  He has essentially turned himself into Alexsei's weapon in order to stay in his highest of favors.

Miro Hagawa


Before defecting with Alexsei, Taro kept an arm's length distance from Miro.  While he was okay with his friendship with Alexsei, it was the hint at darker beliefs that kept him from getting to close to Miro.  Taro was intimidated by him because of this, so they didn't spend too much time getting to know each other.


After the incident, Taro felt less and less comfortable with Miro as he only encouraged Alexsei's violent anger and desire for revenge.  He keeps a larger distance from him now and merely tolerates his presence.



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