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Age : 23

Height : 6'2" / 188cm

Gender : Male (He/him)

Orientation : Pansexual - Demiromantic

Mask : Wolf

Ability : Spirit Flame​

Voice : âœ© ✩ âœ©


Orion Stellus is the current holder of the wolf mask.  Due to having been chosen as a vessel by the wolf, which the military and government had been 'recommended' to search for by the kitsune, he is considered a soldier in a nontraditional sense.


Orion was originally very calm and would rather rationalize a situation before taking action.  He was generally considered sweet and level headed by his coworkers.  Ever since becoming a vessel for the wolf however, he has developed an irritability and tendency to act on knee jerk anger, which were common traits depicted within the wolf in folklore.  He is extremely protective and possessive of those that have grown close to him, the desire to preserve stemming from the childhood trauma of his mother's and half brother's disappearances.


In being possessed by the wolf, Orion was granted the ability to control its signature spirit flame.  The spirit flame consists of souls devoured by the wolf which are then used as fuel to burn eternally.  It's hotter than natural fire and can even take a solid molten form if enough energy is channeled into it.  Extinguishing the spirit flame is a monstrous feat on its own, and whenever Orion fights with it, he usually leaves it to burn as even he himself can't extinguish it.  It usually takes days for something as meager as a small camp fire to go out even with the aid of rain.  After his fight with the, at the time possessed Luka, the flames he'd created were left to burn the entire forest down as the military wasn't able to put any of it out, let alone get anywhere near it.


Even when idle, the flame needs an outlet, thus it comes out of the tip of the tail.  This flame is much more tame and even touchable if Orion allows somebody to.  It feels like a thick and warm mist.



Luka Aalto


Orion was at first expecting to dislike Luka once he'd ended the other's possession.  He kept his guard up their first weeks together before he was able to relax a little more around him when Luka proved to be docile.  Orion empathizes some with Luka's struggle to reacclimate back into society.  Whenever Luka seems to become discouraged or depressed, Orion will quietly offer himself as support.  He is unaware of Luka's developing feelings for him and becomes confused whenever Luka avoids him because of them.  He figures that Luka just wants some time to himself, so he never questions it when it happens.

Orion tries very hard not to bunch Luka and his second personality, Dionysus, into the same category.  It's difficult for him to keep them separate some days though, which results in him taking his irritation out on Luka when something Dio said or did continues to irritate him even long after the second personality disappears.  Whenever this happens, Orion is left feeling guilty when he sees the pain in Luka's eyes and is quick to apologize.



Few things irritate Orion more than Dionysus.  He knows Dio is just trying to bait him into a fight but Orion finds it extremely difficult to keep his head level and ignore the other's provocations, usually ending up in Orion snapping at him.  Orion tries his best to understand that Dionysus is a product of Luka's and the kitsune's psyche's being fused for too long, but he can't help but view Dionysus as a petty demon.


Anzero Yukurou


Orion, like Luka, was originally very wary of Anz.  He saw him as an unpredictable force of chaos and someone who would stab him in the back while he slept.  As he got to know Anz better however, Orion developed a soft spot for the childish crow.  While he continues to try to stay cautious of Anz, he can't help the feeling of endearment that continues to bud for him.


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