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Age : 22

Height : 5'10" / 178cm

Gender : Male (He/him)

Orientation : Homosexual - Homoromantic

Mask : Fox (Kitsune)

Ability : Electricity

Voice : ÏŸ ÏŸ ÏŸ


Luka is the current holder of the fox mask.  Due to the kitsune being fused with his psyche for three years, a second personality manifested, the second personality's identity being Dionysus (Dio for short).  Luka currently lives in a home owned by the military and loaned to Orion Stellus, who watches him as an order from the Kuretai government.

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Luka is relatively mild tempered and even a little timid around strangers and people he isn't necessarily close to, though once somebody has his trust he shows a side that is more hyper and childish.  It takes a lot to anger him and he would much rather take the fall for somebody else as he values others over himself. 


Dio is a representative of sorts of the kitsune's personality.  He's smug, cocky, and a total narcissist with an affinity for violence and causing others torment.​


Dionysus and Luka share the same emotions, though their morals often tend to clash.  Due to his resilience, Dio is able to easily overpower Luke if he so pleases.


Through possession by the kitsune, Luka has gained the ability to generate and (in Dio's case) control electricity.  The sparks on their own are very loud and creating a bolt can be deafening and temporarily blinding to him while unmasked.  If he ever ends up conjuring lightning, Luka has a tendency to close his eyes because of this.


Due to his distaste for the mask, it having screwed over his life, Luka refuses to use kitsune's power.  He has little to no control over it which usually results in it leaking out in uncontrolled bursts when his emotions are high.


Dio has greater control over the kitsune's power, able to conjure electricity at will and control it to some enough of an extent where he can direct lightning bolts at a target.  Dio is more prone to wearing the mask is it's akin to a drug and power trip, while Luka is wholly adverse to even looking at it.

Relations [Luka]


Orion Stellus


At first, Luka was afraid of Orion.  He avoided getting too close or personal with the soldier out of fear of setting off the temper he perceived Orion to have.  As time passed, it became clear that the citizens of the capital saw Luka as a murderer and a monster as they treated him as one.  Despite Luka's reputation for being possessed for three years by the kitsune, Orion continued to treat him like a person, and realizing that they were both in similar situations, Luka began to warm up to and rely on Orion for company and communication.

Luka began to develop feelings for Orion rather quickly as they spent practically every day together, living under the same roof and all.  He doesn't understand or know what to do about them, so he has decided that keeping them to himself is the safest choice.

Anzero Yukurou


Luka is extremely wary of Anzero, untrusting of the other mask holder after he tried stealing both the fox and wolf masks from them (as much as he'd rather see his mask gone, a foreign instinct drove him to reclaim it).  Learning of Anzero's full time job of thievery made him even more cautious, worried that one day Anz's crimes will get him and Orion in trouble with the military and/or government.


The fact that Orion seems to talk more comfortably with Anz than him causes Luka a deep pain.  He desperately wishes to bury it and try to stay on civil terms with Anz, but his insecurity fed the kitsune's power and lead to Luka attempting to murder the thief.  Tension between them has risen since Luka's attempted homicide.

Relations [dionysus]


Orion Stellus


Despite sharing Luka's tumultuous feelings for Orion, saying that Dionysus finds Orion unfavorable would be putting it lightly.  Dio only sees Orion as the wolf, thus he is constantly attempting to draw anger out of him, and has in turn found entertainment in pushing Orion's buttons.  While Dio would be quick to deny any of the underlying reason for his behavior and claim that he does so out of spite or fun, his actions toward Orion are often out of a desire for the other's attention or an attempt to quash what he believes are exclusively Luka's feelings.

Anzero Yukurou


Just like Dionysus sees Orion as the wolf, he also sees Anzero as only the crow.  Due to the history of the wolf and crow collaborating together to combat the kitsune, Dio has a lot of murderous intent directed toward Anz.  There is no room for negotiation between Dionysus and Anz and the two will often find themselves in violent fights, the former attempting to take the other's life and the latter thinking that it's all out of morbid fun.



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