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Age : 23

Height : 5'7" / 170cm

Gender : Male (He/him)

Orientation : Pansexual - Demiromantic

Mask : Weasel (Kamaitachi)

Ability : Water​

Voice : âœ‚ ✂ âœ‚


Miro is the holder of the weasel mask.  He grew up on the seaside helping his father catch and sell fish for the family business.  He found his life boring and looked out to the sea, wondering if there was anything more exciting out there.

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Miro can be flirtatious, though most of his attempts end in failure.  He's quite good at not taking much to heart though and is able to march on without second thought.  As he got older, Miro developed some questionable morals, getting a thrill out of harming others.


The weasel mask grants Miro the ability to control water and weaponize it.  He prefers to create water blades and claws to fight with the most, but he is able to move it telepathically as he wishes.



Alexsei Nikolaev


Miro met Alexsei when the prince wandered, lost, onto the beach Miro's family company resided on.  They hit it up quickly as the two of them shared the common pastime of petty debauchery as well as sharing similar senses of humor.  They quickly became best friends and Alexsei would come to visit often.  When Alexsei approached Miro as an exile, Miro gladly abandoned his family business without looking back.  The thrill of the new life Alexsei offered him was exactly what Miro was looking for.

Taro Akita


Miro and Taro don't talk much, both now and before Alexsei got exiled and Taro defected in order to follow him.  Their relationship only continued to slide downhill the longer they knew each other.  He knows that Taro doesn't like him because he encourages Alexsei's foul impulses, but can't bring himself to care.




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